Oral exam

During the oral exam, the first examiner and second examiner assess your development as a designer and whether you are ready to start your final bachelor project. The first examiner is your teacher coach, the second examiner is (in most cases) a member of the teacher coaches’ squad. The first examiner carries the main responsibility for the judgment and the quality of (preparing, performing and finalizing) the assessment. The second examiner is there to assure that a fair and sound verdict is reached. The second examiner is therefore not obliged to review all deliverables.

The oral exam is the last deliverable to obtain your credits, however as well as the oral exam, the examiners will also take into account your other deliverables and personal path, including:

  • The personal development plan focused on the internship (PDP + Formal approval  (see Forms and Files page);
  • The teacher coach meetings during the semester;
  • Meeting with the company coach during the semester (when applicable);
  • The internship report; including personal reflection and appendixes
  • The completed Company coach evaluation form 
  • Your development as an industrial designer with respect to the curriculum and end terms of the bachelor program as described in the Rubrics (see Forms and Files page). 

Prepare this meeting well in advance. You are responsible for holding the meeting within the given timeframe. Normally the oral exam lasts 30-45 minutes.
CSA ID will send an overview of the examiners to the students  and research group secretaries in due time.
Subsequently, please contact the secretary applicable to your assessment in order to schedule your oral exam. Please keep in mind that the dates for the oral exam are in the yearplanning and will communicated to you via CSA ID.

You may or may not receive immediate feedback after the oral exam. However, the internship results will be processed by the Center for Student Administration (CSA ID) and you will receive an (automatically generated) email with your verdict.

Go to:
Internship Report page
Company Coach Evaluation page
Personal Reflection page

Go back to: 
Assessment page