
Validation is an integral part of every step in the entrepreneurial process: you validate the pain of the identified problem; the soundness of the proposed solution; and the worthiness of your value proposition for the market. Remember to validate, validate and then validate again.  


1ZM150 Innovation Space Project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes – 10 ECTS – Q1,2,3,4 

This course aims toward challenge-based, project-based learning in interdisciplinary student teams, working on open-ended assignments in close interaction with high-tech companies and societal organizations. It combines the design and engineering of a product/service/system and new business development. 

1ZM20 Technology entrepreneurship – 5 ECTS – Q2 

The aim of this course is to develop awareness, understanding and application of flexible and adaptive decision-making approaches along with more familiar prediction and planning-based methods for decision making in the face of uncertainty in new business development based on new technology.