International exchange or internship

The Honors Bachelor Program is flexible in case of an international exchange or internship that is part of the regular Bachelor study program. If Honors students are facing international exchange or an internship, please notify your coach, coordinator, and honors academy as soon as possible. Together with coach and coordinator you can discuss how to proceed with the track and project. You should write a proposal (1-2 pages) on how you will continue working on your honors track and project and discuss with your track coordinator how the assessment will take place. This proposal has to be signed by the track coordinator and has to be approved by the Dean of the Honors Academy.

The proposal should contain the following information:

  • What are your exchange or internship plans and how is this part of your regular program?
  • Which period will you be unable to participate in the on campus honors program?
  • What and how will you contribute to your honors track and project whilst being abroad?
  • If you are still abroad during the regular assessment period: how and when will the assessment take place?
  • If applicable: how will you resume the Honors track and project activities after finishing the exchange or internship?
  • The proposal should be signed by your track coordinator. By signing it, the track coordinator states that the proposal is sufficient and if carried out correctly can lead to a proper completion of your Honors program. Of course you still need to pass the assessment.

Do you have questions? Contact the TU/e Honors Academy via e-mail