Ongoing conflict Israël - Gaza

13 mei 2024

On May 13 a manifestation has started on the TU/e campus, mainly on the field between the Auditorium and Vertigo buildings.

Several dozen pro-Palestine demonstrators have set up camp. We would like to inform you how TU/e deals with this.  

Above all the university gives ample scope to manifestations, as expressed in our ‘Policy principles for manifestations on the TU/e campus and in TU/e buildings’. The fundamental right to demonstrate is of vital importance, especially at a university. We are therefore reluctant to impose restrictions and strive for dialog with demonstrators. On the other hand, demonstrations cannot be unlimited, as outlined in the policy principles. The safety and rights of others have to be respected, amongst others. 

TU/e security is and remains in contact with the demonstrators. We are in close contact with the municipality about the manifestation and we monitor the situation closely, to make sure the right to demonstrate is respected and that the manifestation is safe, orderly and in accordance with the policy principles. 

The Executive Board stresses the importance of dialog. The board has already spoken with several parties in the last months on the situation in Israel and Gaza and the consequences in our community, and the board is committed to staying in good contact with the parties involved. 

Students and staff facing psychological or practical challenges, please know that you can come to us for support. Do not hesitate to reach out to your academic advisor or to your manager, to see how we can best support you. You can find additional information on our wellbeing pages for students and staff.    

In our TU/e community, we respect each other, even when opinions differ 
The violence in Israel and Gaza affects many people, also within our community. Our thoughts are with those affected directly or indirectly. We recognize and understand the call to take a stand. However, we firmly believe that as a university our first responsibility is ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all our students and employees. We believe it is essential that the university is and remains a safe and inclusive environment for our entire community regardless of origin, background, or political views. We are all humans and together we shape the TU/e community. 

As a university, we strongly believe in dialog. We understand emotions surrounding this conflict can run high, but we urge everyone to treat each other with respect, even when opinions differ. That doesn’t include inciting hatred, intolerance, or other acts that deepen division.   

As TU/e, we stand united against polarization, recognizing its potential risk of disrupting the harmony of our campus community. Let us share the responsibility to ensure a safe place to study and work for everyone. 

Questions? Contact us!