
CBL assessment

Three components play a role in the assessment of CBL: a group component, an individual component and a training component.

The group component concerns the written (and possibly also oral) reporting by the entire CBL group. This constitutes half of the grade for the CBL case. The individual component concerns the performance of each individual student within the group. Each student receives an individual grade for this component that amounts to 50% of the final grade.

An overview of the guideline for the assessment of CBL cases can be found below. Please note! Some cases may deviate from this guideline. You can find the exact assessment method for each case in the Project Information Document on CANVAS. A number of fixed rules apply to all cases and are described below.

Group component

The group component concerns the group product. Each case is completed with (a combination of) a report, a presentation, a product or a competition. The group product is assessed by the case coordinator. In addition to content-related aspects, form-related aspects also play a role in this assessment. During the CBL project, the group will receive both an interim assessment and a final product assessment from the case coordinator. Depending on the case, this interim assessment can also count towards the final grade.

Individual component

The individual component concerns the performance of each individual student within the group. This performance is assessed by the tutor. He/she assesses whether the completed self-study assignments meet the requirements. This is done by using a rubric. A rubric is a tool for the tutor that enables him/her to perform a proper assessment and give focused feedback. He/she also pays attention to group aspects, such as the fulfillment of the team roles. Every case is assessed separately by the tutor. Midway through a case, the tutor will provide his/her first impression of the performance of each individual group member in an interim assessment. This allows the student to take a less than positive recommendation to heart and improve his/her efforts and/or attitude in consultation with the tutor.Only the final individual assessment during the last groupmeeting counts for the grade.

From CBL year 1, quartile 3, students will also assess their fellow students (we call this peer review). This grade counts towards half of the individual final grade. The grade will be averaged with the grade of the tutor. A peer review training course will first be given, paying special attention to the right way to give each other feedback.

Training courses

Most of the training courses in the 1st and 2nd years linked to a CBL case in the major are technical courses or courses in the field of professional skills. These training courses are assessed by the trainer/lecturer or by the tutor. The assessment method can differ for each training course. In principle, a grade is received on completion of a technical training course, while skills training courses are given an assessment of Sufficient (VO) or Fail (ON). In order to pass the case, students must achieve a pass grade for all skills training courses. The technical training courses count towards the final grade for a certain percentage.


Attendance during all group meetings, case discussions, case-supporting lectures, experiments and training courses is compulsory and will be registered. If the student is absent too many times, he/she may fail the individual component.If you are not able to attend one of the above-mentioned educational activities, you must report this fact in advance to the academic advisor. If there is a valid reason for your absence, a way to compensate for this absence will be determined in consultation with the CBL coordinator.

CBL final assessment

The final grade for a CBL case is the average of an individual assessment and the group grade. An additional condition is that all final assessments (individual final assessment, group report final grade) must be at least a 6.0 and the assessment of the skills training course must be sufficient.

A final grade of 6.0 or higher is considered a pass grade.

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Want to know more? Contact the CBL coordinator via the contact form below.
