The Program and Examination Regulations (PER), in Dutch known as Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER), for a program contains clear and sufficient information about the program, making it the basic document for both students and teachers.
Subjects covered by the OER include:
- the content of the program and the associated final examinations, the number and sequence of other examinations and the times when these can be taken;
- the type of examination (oral, written or other types of examination);
- the period of validity of successfully completed examination components;
- the right of inspection and evaluation.
The Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek) draws a distinction between the OER and the Regulations of the Examination Committee (RE).
Subjects regulated by the RE include:
- compilation Examination Committee;
- procedures Examination Committee;
- tasks Examination Committee;
- rules relating to quality assurance of testing and exams;
- rules relating to measures taken in the event of fraud by examinees;
- rules and guidelines relating to testing and exams;
- compensation regulations;
- graduation regulations.