Industrial Design Center for Student Administration

The Center for Student Administration of Industrial Design (CSA ID) is responsible for student registration, planning projects and exams, scheduling and planning of courses and projects. Enquiries regarding statements and diplomas can also be addressed to this office. For questions or requests relating to the above-mentioned topics, please send an e-mail to 

Looking for the departmental CSA desk of other departments? Please click here.

If you need proof of enrollment at TU/e, please contact the Central Education and Student Affairs ( or visit them in Metaforum).  

Office location CSA ID: Atlas 3.125
Telephone: +31 40 247 3365

If you have questions and our office is open and staffed, you can step in whenever you like. 
If our office is closed, we are available by email, phone and Teams every working day from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm. 

  • Statements that can be obtained digitally by email:
    SVO (Study Progress Overview) of the courses you have passed so far
    Statement of expected graduation day
    Statement of English proficiency
    TOR (Transcript of Records)
  • Diploma’s, beyond the usual handouts and ceremonies, can be requested by email.
    CSA will let you know when you can pick-up the diploma. 
  • If you need help with your Planapp (or anything else) you can request a meeting at our office by email.