Registration form External Internship Applied Physics

Registration form External Internship Applied Physics

Fill in this registration form prior to the start of your External Internship Master Applied Physics with the information as agreed upon by you and your TU/e supervisor.

The end date of the external internship includes the submission of the external internship report, presentation, and grading.

By filling in the start and end date on the registration form of the external internship project you agree that you meet the prerequisites and you agree that there is the commitment that the project is completed by this end date. When you do not succeed in making this deadline, the rules as described in the Applied Physics Examination Committee Reguations apply.

A copy of this registration form will be sent to CSA-AP, your TU/e supervisor, the group secretary, and to your own e-mail address. 

In case your project is international, you should register your project via Mobility Online as well.



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Personal information
Project information