HTI Thesis Project supervisor

Master thesis project supervisor selection

The student chooses the thesis supervisor based on his/her interests. Before starting the first semester of the Master's program, e.g. in the pre-master, last phase of the Bachelor's, the students identify research areas in which they are interested within the groups directly involved in the Master's program. To make this process possible, supervisors have to present topics and methodologies that are within their domain and capabilities. In the first week of the first semester, an HTI information event will occur in which students will be informed about the research and potential supervisors.

The event will be planned in the first week of the first semester. The meeting will end with an informal meeting facilitating the first contact between students and supervisors. During this information event, students will receive information on:

  • The Master's program
  • The area of expertise of each of the supervisor
  • The laboratory resources available at HTI

It is advised that the student considers more than one supervisor, as it may not be possible to be assigned to the desired supervisor. Additionally, it stimulates the student to acquire a broad perspective on the various research types and domains conducted at HTI. At the end of the first week of the first semester, following the information meeting and presentation of the potential supervisors, students will provide a list of their first, second, and third preferences for a supervisor. The supervisors will be allotted to the students by the HTI master program coordinator. Those who have not provided a choice will be allotted a supervisor by the coordinator.

A list of available supervisor and a short description of their research interests can be found in the .pdf of the slides presented at that meeting (will be available in early September as a download on this webpage). Additional information about these researchers, their publications, the HTI group, its research project, and lab facilities can be found at: This meeting will ideally take place before the end of the first quartile of the HTI Master program. This allows the student the most flexibility in choosing (specialization) electives, starting in the second quartile.

Additional information about the research projects at HTI and publications of the HTI supervisors can be found at:

Initial meeting between supervisor and student

After the supervisor has been allocated to a student, the following items are discussed in the initial meeting between the supervisor and the student:

  • Introduction of student and supervisor, research interest, ways of working, definition of working relationship (frequencies of meeting, ways of reporting, etc.)
  • The student's program, especially for the second and third semesters, including elective courses and the international term.
  • The student's development plan based on his/her assessment of the professional skills
  • The student signs the Declaration concerning the TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct.
  • The student fills out the relevant form for the selection of his/her electives, including the international term, and has this approved (signed) by the supervisor.

This meeting will ideally take place before the end of the first quarter of the first semester of the HTI master's. This allows the student the most flexibility in choosing the (specialization) electives.

Overview contacts between student and supervisor

Contact between the student and the mentor will take place in the first semester (ideally in the beginning of the semester), and subsequently on an ad hoc basis, initiated by the student (for example when the student starts to think about their international semester).

The first contact between the master student and mentor should take place before or at the start of the first semester of the HTI master's.  This is important, as the supervisor will aid in selecting appropriate electives, For students entering the HTI master program in the second semester the information session and first meeting will take place in the first weeks of the second semester.






Introductory meeting between the student and supervisor, initial draft of the (specialisation) electives.



Finalizing the list of (specialisation) electives.



Preparing for the international semester.


Final weeks

Final preparation of international semester, including final selection of international courses. First preparation of the master’s thesis project (MTP) including deciding on a potential first supervisor. This could be the supervisor, but a student might also decide to do his MTP in another group / with another supervisor.


Final weeks

After returning from the international semester, the student reports on the international semester and the courses taken. A final decision on the MTP project and the first supervisor will be made.


  Master thesis project

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More information

Want to know more? Contact HTI Secretary at +31 40 - 247 2889 or via the contact form below.
