Special/Free Track

The Special / Free track is reserved for dual-degree and honors programs for research and design. Students who want to opt for this track, should be able to show prior excellence (top 10% regarding mean bachelor grades). So, if you have top bachelor grades, and want to combine two different masters or prepare yourself for a PhD or EngD, this is best for you. 

For more information on the honors tracks, please check the leaflet or the link on the right hand side. 

Note that you have to apply for this track with the IM Program Manager by sending an email in which you explain your motivation, show your excellence in the bachelor program, and propose the program that you wish to complete. All specialization and free electives should be determined in close collaboration with the personal mentor and have to be approved by Director Honors Program Tom van Woensel (in case of honors program) or Program Manager Sonja Rispens. 

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More information

Want to know more? Contact prof dr. Woensel, Tom van at +31 40 - 247 5017, dr. Rispens, Sonja at +31 40 - 247 5935 or via the contact form below.
