Contact with companies

Are you near the end of your study and would you like to explore the labour market? Or would you like to have a student job that offers you a sneak peek into what working life has to offer?

The TU/e has a few options for you!

  • EuFlex Technificents helps students find companies. They are located in the Luna building, but you can also look at their upcoming events and vacancies for students jobs and fulltime positions here:
  • Study associations often organize career events. Make sure to check out your study association activities. A list of study associations can be found here:
  • Wervingsdagen organizes a career fair every year that can help get into contact with different companies. Information on this fair can be found here: 
  • Lastly, you can find every career activity that is provided by a TU/e party on the MyFuture platform: All career activities are open for all TU/e students, so you can also join an activity that is organized by an association you are not a part of.

More information

Want to know more? EuFlex is likely to be able to answer your last questions. Look at or fill in the contact form below.
