Bachelor Final Project

Bachelor Final Project

The Bachelor Final project is a research project or literature study on a topic from applied mathematics. Students contact a scientific staff member working in the field of their interest some time before they actually plan to start on the project. Most work on the project is individual work under the guidance of this supervisor.

The project usually entails several of the following activities: a literature seach, a comparison of currenct methods, making a mathematical model for a practical problem, implementing an algorithm or a simulation, deriving new results of clarifying known results. Students finish their Bachelor Final project with a bachelor thesis, a presentation, a defense of the results (answering questions) a summary for non-specialists of their project, and a reflection assignment. The bachelor thesis, the presentation, the defence, and the execution of the project are graded by the supervisor and a second staff member. The reflection, the presentation, the report and the referencing in the report and presentation are also part of the professional skills lines on Presenting, Writing, Reflecting and Processing scientific information, respectively. 

You may start your bachelor final project (BFP)  if all your first year credits are obtained and you have a total of 120 credits. In the year that you would like to start your BFP, register for the course 2WH40 (all-year variant) on Osiris, and then for the 2WH40 course (all-year variant) in Canvas.

All the necessary information on the BFP can be found in the studyguide on Canvas 2WH40.

The required forms in the final phase of the BFP are:

More information 

Want to know more? Contact MCS.CSA at 040 - 247 2379 or via the contact form below.  
