Finish your bachelor program in Q4

To complete your third year successfully, keep the following in mind:

Completion Bachelor End Project

  • To complete your Bachelor End Project you need to complete all professional skills that are part of the BEP.
    • This also includes the Information skills training, offered by the DML.
    • Please note: to finalize any other course that includes professional skills, you also need to complete the professional skills included.
  • To complete the Bachelor End Project you have to sign the 'Declaration TUe Code of Scientific Conduct Bachelor's final project', this form can be found under 'downloads' on this page.
    • This means that you declare that your Bachelor’s final project has been carried out in accordance with the rules of the TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct and that you bear personal responsibility for observing and maintaining scientific integrity.
    • The declaration will be part of the assessment form (form will include grading form, Code of Scientific Conduct and rubrics). Without the signed declaration you don’t get credits for the BEP.
    • For more information about the Code of Scientific Conduct and Scientific Integrity: click here.

Completion SG USE activities (for students who have started their major between 2014 and 2019)

  • If you would like to finish your Bachelor’s program this summer and if you have started your major in 2014 or later, you should have participated in at least 5 Studium Generale activities marked with an USE- logo as part of your USE learning trajectory.
  • If you have chosen to take both education elective packages (‘aankomend/aansluitend tweedegraads lerarenopleiding’) and if you don't follow a USE-trajectory, the SG activities are still part of your second elective program (onderwijs verdiepend).
  • Please note: if you have started your major before 2014, the Studium Generale USE lectures are not a mandatory part of your USE learning trajectory.

Completion MyFuture activities (for students who have started their major from 2020 onwards)

If you have started your major from 2020 onwards and you would like to finish your Bachelor’s program, you have to obtain at least 7 MyFuture points. More information about the MyFuture activities can be found on the website:

For an overview of all remaining SG USE activities, click here. After the summer break, the program will continue in September.