Bachelor’s Final Project

The final project of the Bachelor’s program is the Bachelor’s Final Project (Bachelor Eindproject, BEP). You will apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired in your studies on your own scientific research. This is an individual project.

More information about the project in general, enrollment and assessment are to be found in the BEP Manual.

Enrollment and deadlines

  • Admission requirement for BEP is 120 ECTS (and the first year should be completed).
  • The BEP starts on the first day of every new quarter. Starting later in the quarter or in the interim period is not possible.
  • Enrollment is possible until the registration deadline with course code 4WC00 on Osiris. It is important to register for the block (quarter) in which you want to start your project.
    • The terms of the BEP in academic year 2024-2025 Registration deadline Start date End date

      Quarter 1

      4 August 2024

      2 September 2024

      2 February 2025

      Quarter 2

      13 October 2024

      11 November 2024

      20 April 2025

      Quarter 3

      5 January 2025

      3 February 2025

      6 July 2025

      Quarter 4

      23 March 2025

      21 April 2025

      31 August 2025

  • Please note that the deadlines for a BEP at innovation Space are earlier. Check innovation Space for more information or contact the BEP coordinator.

Grouping and division of projects

  • Four preferences must be specified for research sections in which the project can be executed.
  • The BEP-coordinator groups the students in the research sections and tries to group the students evenly over the different sections, taking into account the preferences of the students. Grouping with a 3rd or 4th preference happens regularly. There is no discussion possible about the grouping.
  • After grouping, the coordinator of the concerning research section will contact the students for further division of the projects. This usually happens in the first week of the quarter.

Length and extent

  • The project has a study load of 10 ECTS (280 hours).
  • The Bachelor’s Final Project must be finished within 2 quarters. The last day of the second quarter is the deadline for the project. At that moment, all requirements must be met and assessment must be finished.
  • Extension is only possible in exceptional cases after discussion with your supervisor and with approval of the BEP-coordinator.
  • When starting with the BEP in the fourth quarter, the second part of the project will take place in the interim period.
  • In case the BEP is not finished within the set framework, you must start with a new project


  • Contact with the supervisor of the allocated project should be initiated by the student. The student is responsible for making further appointments, schedules and execution of tasks.
  • The supervisor is responsible for the daily supervision and the needed facilities for the execution of the project.


  • The project is completed with a compact project report and a student colloquium or presentation.
  • The report consists of +/- 25 pages.
  • The colloquium has a maximum duration of 20 minutes (15 minute presentation and a 5 minute discussion). The target audience consists of fellow students and scientific staff.
  • The report and the presentation are in English.


The grade will be determined by the supervisor on a scale from 0 to 10, rounded to half grades. The following parts will be considered:

  • Planning and organization
  • Independency
  • Analytical power and reflection
  • Report writing
  • Colloquium

The assessment happens according to the rubric and the assessment form BEP. The 5 sub-parts are assessed on the assessment form and make up the final grade. A sufficient grade is a 6.0 or higher.

During the BEP, 6 professional skills (cooperation, presenting, writing, reflecting, planning and information skills) are completed and assessed. The training PRS information skills stage III is a compulsory part of the BEP and completion is needed to get a grade for the BEP. This training is via a separate canvas page you will be enrolled for after registration for the BEP.  Separate enrollment via Osiris is no longer needed or possible. If you need to complete the training outside of you BEP period please contact the BEP coordinator for enrollment.


  • The assessment form and the rubric need to be completed together. The signed forms need to be sent to This is the responsibility of the supervisor.
  •  A signed Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity (under Downloads) also needs to be filled in and sent to This is the responsibility of the student
  • the PDF versions of the final report, need to be uploaded to: This file should be labelled as content type BEP Report/BEP Report Confidential.
  • Your grade will be processed once you’ve uploaded the report and emailed the Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity.
  • In case of a confidential report please also email the form Confidential report (under downloads) to
  • In case of a confidential report you are also required to upload a public summery.

BEP finished? Register for your Bachelor’s degree

Have you finished the BEP and with that the last part of your bachelor’s program? In that case you’ll need to register for the final exam to finish the bachelor’s program completely. Take a look at the page 'enrollment final examination' to find more information.

Support during BEP

The BEP coordinator is responsible for the student registration for the Bachelor's Final Project and for the division of projects over the research groups. The coordinator checks the progress made with the BEP. You can contact the BEP coordinator via

The BEP coach is the ‘daily’ supervisor of the BEP. In a way, the student contributes to the research of their supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for the interpretation of the project and for the mentoring.

Directly to

More information

Want to know more? Contact the BEP Coordinator ME via the contact form below.
