Curriculum start year 2022/2023 and before

In 2023-2024 Bachelor College 2.0 (After Redesign AR) was implemented at TU/e and with it the curriculum of the Bachelor Mechanical Engineering changed.  
All students who started in 2023/2024 or later, will follow the new curriculum.  
The current curricula of students who started before 2023/2024, will be phased out in the upcoming 2 years.  Please check the presentation of the impact of the new curriculum (given on October 2024) here for a quick overview of what this means for you.

How will the new curriculum affect me?

If you started your bachelor’s program in 2022/2023 or before that, you basically continue to follow the curriculum of the year you started.Please check the downloads below for the corresponding curriculum of the year you started. 

However, the new curriculum might already affect your planning!  
How big the impact of the new curriculum on your current curriculum is, depends on: 

  • Do you still need to complete first-year, or second year courses?

  • Did you not complete your USE learning trajectory yet? 

  • Do you still need to complete your elective program? 

If one or more of the answers to these questions is ‘YES’, the new curriculum may have consequences for you! But also, if you are a nominal student, the new curriculum can affect your planning. Consider, for example: 

  • Changes in courses  
    Some courses will be phased out, some courses will change in name and /or course code, change quartile or even timeslot, which could directly affect your planning and workload per quartile. 

  • Changes in your study program or elective program 
    Several courses get phased out and are given for the last time in 2023/2024, in 2024/2025 or in 2025/2026. The transition courses or replacement courses can affect your planning and therefore your study progress. Also, some electives will disappear or be replaced or change quartile and can therefore influence your program. 

  • USE learning trajectories will be phased out                                                                                                                                                                       
    USE courses are being phased out or replaced! Some courses are already taught for the last time in 2023/2024, others in 2024/2025 or 2025/2026, so be aware! Check the flyers of the USE learning trajectories in the A-Z list  on the education guide, with an overview of all coherent packages and USE-learning trajectories offered at TU/e. 

  • Possible study delay 
    Changes in courses, planning, but also a maximum number of courses per quartile, can influence your study progress and can even cause delay. 


What actions can I take to prevent study delay?

Below you will find an overview of all changes in courses per year, per quartile. 
We strongly recommend that you: 

  • Read the overview carefully and compare each quartile with your own corresponding curriculum and check if and where changes will affect your program and reschedule accordingly. 

  • Keep track of all announcements on the CANVAS 4INFOJ 1-2-3 channels, (turn on notifications). 

  • Study the course descriptions and period and timeslot in which courses are taught carefully in the course catalogue in Osiris and on Canvas .Are courses still available? Have they moved to another quartile or timeslot? Or changed names of course codes? 

  • Attend all information sessions about upcoming changes in the curriculum. You will receive updated information about the curriculum and there’s room for questions you might have. 

  • Check the flyers on the education guide in the A-Z list, with an overview of all the USE learning trajectories and coherent packages offered at TU/e. 

  • Read the newsletters we send you regularly. 

  • Keep a close eye on your TU/e e-mails!  

  • Email the Academic Advisors or schedule a meeting if you have questions or doubts about your planning.  

Changes courses per year


Changes courses year 1:   2023-2024 

Old Q 

Old Course 


New Q 

Replacement Course 


4GA00 Introduction mechanical engineering (C+E) 


4CBLA00 Introduction mechanical engineering (C+E) 



4GA10 Design of a launching mechanism (D+E) 


4CBLA10 Design of a launching mechanism (B+E) 


3NBB0 Applied Natural Science ANS (A) 


3NBB0 Applied Natural Science ANS 
2023-2024: bezemklas (special arranged education)  2 final exam options 



2IAB0 Data Analytics (A)                                                                                  


 4CA10 principles of design and programming


4GA40 Multiped robot (B+E) 


4CBLA20 CBL Multiped robot (A+B) 


0SABO USE Base (A) 


0LVX10 ITEC Engineering Ethics (E) 


4GA50 CBL Solar Heat System (D+E) (elective) 


4CBLB00 CBL Solar heat system 2024-2025 (A+B),   no replacement course in 2023-2024   


4MA00 structure and properties of materials (B) 


4MA00 structure and properties of materials (C)

Changes courses per year


Changes courses year 2:   2024-2025

Old Q 

Old Course 


New Q 

Replacement Course 


4WBB0 Engineering design (C)


4CBLW00 Multidisciplinary CBL Q4 (C+D) 



4CB00 Signals and systems (D) 


4CA20 Signals and Systems (D) 


4GB00 Modelling of time dependent systems (A+B)                                                      


4CBLA30 CBL Energy storage and transport (from elective to major course) (A+B)



4EB00 Thermodynamics (C)                                         


4EB00 Thermodynamics (C) 


4GB10 Combustion engine (C+E)  


4CBLB10 Sustainable Fuels: Plan A or B? Q2 (C+D). 


4GB20 Robotarm (D +E) 


4CBLB20 Control of a flexible robot system Q3 (C+E) 


4PB00 Heat and Flow (C) 


4PB00 Heat and flow Q4 (E))   



4LB00 Strength and Structure (elective)                                               


4LC00 Strength and Structure (elective) *  
due to move, no lectures (there will be two exams) in 2024-2025, 
returns in 2025-2026 as 4LC00 Strength and structure in 3.3 (A) 


Changes courses per year


Changes courses year 3:   2025-2026

Old Q 

Old Course 


New Q 

Replacement Course 


4GC00 Computer Aided Engineering CBL (B+D)                                                                                                                                                    


4CBL20 Computer Aided Engineering (CBL) stays as elective (A+B) 
3.1 4MC10 Computational Mechanics (C) 3.1 4MC10 Computational Mechanics (E)



4TC00   Model-based Systems Engineering (elective from HTSD) 


Last time taught in 2024-2025 will be replaced by 4TB00 Introduction to autonomous robotics (B)


4CC30 Design Principles (C)                                    


2024-2025: Take a combined 5 ECTS course (4DC10+4CC30): 4CC40 Design Principles & Analysis of Production Systems. 

From 2025-2026: 4CB40 Control of Manufacturing Systems 3.3 (B) or 4CC50 Design Principles 3.3 (C) 




Analysis of production systems (C)                                                                                                                                                                                                                 



2024-2025: Take a combined 5 ECTS course (4DC10+4CC30): 4CC40 Design Principles & Analysis of Production Systems. 

From 2025-2026: 4CB40 Control of Manufacturing Systems 3.3 (B) or 4CC50 Design Principles 3.3 (C) 



Design Principles & Analysis of Production Systems  


2024-2025: Last time taught and exams. 

From 2025-2026: replace 4CC40 with 4CB40 Control of Manufacturing Systems 3.3 (B) or with 4CC50 Design Principles 3.3 (C). If you have taken 4TC00 as elective, then choose 4CC50.


4GC10 CBL Mech design project Q2 (B+D)   


4CBLC30 CBL Mech design project (D+E)  


4PC00 thermal and fluid engineering Q2 (E) (elective)                                                                                                                                                         


4PC00 thermal and fluid engineering Q3 (E) 



4MC00 Experimental and numerical skills (elective)                                                                                                           


Last time taught in 2024-2025 no replacement course 



4CC10 Mechatronic Design Q3 (C) (elective) 


4CC10 Mechatronic Design Q4 (C) 


4EC10 Dynamics of energy systems Q3 (E) (elective) 


4EC10 Dynamics of energy systems Q2 (A) 



4LB00 Strength and structure  


4LC00 Strength and structure returns in Q3 (A) no lectures in 2024-2025, starts 2025-2026 


4DC00 Dynamics and control of robotic systems Q4 (A) elective) 


4DC00 Dynamics and control of robotic systems Q3 (D)  


4BC00 Chemically reacting flows Q4 (A) will move to Q1 (C) elective) 


4BC00 Chemically reacting flows Q1 (C) elective) 


Transitions for USE Engineering Design

This USE learning line will be offered last in 2024-2025. 
Replacement course for USE Engineering design in 2025/2026:  
USE learning line Engineering design   4WEU00 (Q2) -  4WSU00 (Q3) -  4WAU00 (Q4)  
can be replaced by   
0LVX20 ITEC Advanced Q1 (B)  -4CBLC00 Engineering design 1 Q1 (C)- 4CBLC10 Engineering design 2 Q2 (C)  

The other USE -learning trajectories are also being phased out or replaced.  
Check flyers on the A-Z list for an overview of coherent packages and USE-learning trajectories. 

Transitions basic courses

The transition arrangements for the first-year basic courses can be found here
2023-2024 is the final year exams these basic courses are offered. 

3NBB0 Applied natural sciences,  
2IAB0 Data analytics for engineers  
0SAB0 USE base can be replaced by OLVX10 ITEC Engineering Ethics. 
2WBB0 Calculus is part of the new bachelor ME curriculum and does not need a transition arrangement.

Old transition arrangements

Students must complete the curriculum (program of examinations) of the year they started their studies. If a course from your current curriculum (before 2022-2023) is no longer offered and is not mentioned below, please contact your academic advisor to discuss your options.

For most of the students (generation 2017 until 2022) the curriculum below is/was as follows





Visual overview of the changes in your program due to the new curriculum

Curriculum per generation

Every study generation of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's program (often) has its own Curriculum, these are the subjects that you have to pass for an undergraduate degree. A generation is the year in which the student started the study program.

More information

Want to know more? Contact CSA ME at 040 - 247 4400 or via the contact form below.
