Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Knowledge and understanding:

1. Graduates have foundational knowledge and understanding of mathematics for computer science, programming, and computer systems.

2. Graduates have in-depth knowledge and understanding of algorithms, the theory of computing, modelling and analysis of information, software development, and the design and architecture of systems.


Applying knowledge and understanding:

3. Graduates can develop algorithmic solutions to computational problems; they can formally prove the correctness and analyze the computational complexity of these solutions.

4. Graduates can determine requirements for medium scale software projects and develop software that demonstrably meets these requirements.

5. Graduates can model medium scale systems and formally evaluate their correctness and performance.


Making judgements:

6. Graduates can identify parts of larger real-world problems for which a computational solution can be developed; they can formulate the corresponding computational problem at a suitable level of abstraction.

7. Graduates can evaluate the quality, suitability, and feasibility of solutions to computational problems.



8. Graduates can communicate clearly and effectively, both within the scientific and professional community and society at large; they can comprehend and produce effective reports and documentation describing complex engineering and scientific activities; they can prepare and deliver effective presentations.


Learning skills and attitude:

9. Graduates have the attitude necessary to successfully continue their study at the level of a master’s program: they are proactive self-learners, who can break down a problem into meaningful parts and acquire knowledge from the literature to solve each subproblem;they are open to new developments and ideas in the field of computer science.

10. Graduates show the attitude of a responsible academic engineer: they have a reflective and critical attitude towards themselves and the field of computer science, including an ethical and societal awareness and responsibility regarding the innovative possibilities and limitations of the field.