
When all requirements for the bachelor program have been fulfilled, you will officially graduate from the department of Industrial Design. After every semester, the Educational Office will check if you passed all requirements. Then, the Examination Committee will officially approve the graduates in their upcoming meeting. For these steps, no action is required from you. The Educational Office will register you for the examination. You can check the progress of your diploma request in OSIRIS.

After official approval from the Examination Committee, the Educational Office can request your diploma and create the appendix. Directly after the meeting, all graduates will be processed in the administration. You will receive an email, and the information also goes to DUO.

You can find more information about the examination requirements by checking which curriculum applies to you via the curriculum overviews on the Forms and Files page. More information on the cum laude procedure can be found in the Program and Examination Regulations (PER).

On the pages Graduation deliverablesCeremony and After graduation you can find more specific information per topic.

The important Dates and deadlines can be found on the Forms and Files page.