Competence Assessment

Competence Assessment (CA) takes place in:

Preceding the CA the student receives formative feedback from the project coach/mentor during demo day. After demo day you have limited time to include the feedback in your deliverable.

Competence assessment assesses the students’ ability to integrate competences from the different expertise areas. During the assessment the overall competence of design as demonstrated in the quality of the deliverables, the scientific and professional skills, the professional identity and vision and the development with respect to the expertise areas are evaluated. 


The deliverables of a project can be found in Canvas and usually include: a report, an individual reflection, a demonstrator and a presentation. The expected levels of the deliverables are defined in the rubrics (see Forms and Files page). The corresponding deadlines for the above-mentioned deliverables can be found in the year planning (see also Forms and Files page). All deliverables need to be handed in through Canvas before the deadline. The presentation moment and place will be communicated to you either by your Squad (if you are part of one) or by CSA ID.  


In case you have a C verdict you can do a retake. The retake conditions are defined in Canvas. In case you have an insufficient grade for your FBP, the Canvas comments in the rubrics will specify if you are eligible for a retake or not. For more information about retakes, check the retake information page


The CA of the FBP is expressed in half grades on a scale of 0 to 10.  

In all other CA’s you are awarded with a verdict.  

  • Hold (H): insufficient and not promoted. 
  • Conditional Hold (C): insufficient and not promoted unless conditions for the promotion, as stated by the examiner are met within a maximum of three weeks,  
  • Promotion (P): sufficient and promoted,  
  • Promotion with excellence (E): excellent performance and promoted with excellence.