International experience

The world is globalizing; more and more people work, travel and study internationally. Therefore, internationalization is of strategic importance for the TU/e. Students who did their BSc at TU/e are stimulated to perform their internship abroad in a university, research institute or company. International students in general perform their internship and graduation project in the Netherlands, as this is already an international experience. For Non-EER students it is complicated to organize a work permit outside the Netherlands.

If students wish to study abroad, they have many possibilities, such as:

  • Exchange (courses*, internship or graduation project in a university abroad)
  • Internship, graduation project abroad in a company, institute or university
  • EuroTeQ 

* Please note that due to a fixed core program students cannot finish their studies within two years when following courses abroad.

A lot of the staff members have excellent connections with researchers and companies abroad. If students are interested in going abroad for an internship and/or graduation project they should first contact their mentor, internship or thesis supervisor about the possibilities. It is important to start in time preparing an international experience.

Where to find information about the organization of an international experience?

  • There are many sources of information: this page is a good starting point
  • Here students can find checklists for going abroad:

In case you still have unanswered questions about going abroad, you can contact the International Office ME ( for exchange programs and courses abroad, for internship or graduation projects abroad). Or use this link to make an online appointment.