
Specialization AT

The Master Automotive Technology offers a range of specializations. You can choose courses from all specializations, but your study program has to be discussed by your mentor and approved by the Examination Committee. Your mentor is one of the assistent, associate or full professors of the AT sections. These sections are active in one or more of the specialization themes.


Within the Department of Mechanical Engineering a Master Allocation Procedure is implemented to assign students to the sections of this department. Since the Mechanical Engineering department coordinates the Master’s Program AT and different  sections from the Mechanical Engineering Department are involved in the AT Master’s Program, this allocation procedure will (in) directly affect students who would like to perform their thesis work in one of the AT-sections.

Specialization sections

In the first quarter you will be informed further about the specializations and the sections will present themselves.

You can already check out the specialization options within each section. On their website (see overview below) they present all research areas they cover. Please note that not all research topics in each section are necessarily relevant to this program! The sections are autonomous, and are also involved in other programs. In the download menu on the right you can find a program specific presentation; covering only relevant research areas.

Smart Mobility

Specialization Section Department

Autonomous driving & embedded software

Control Systems Technology  Mechanical Engineering
  Dynamics & Control  Mechanical Engineering
  Robotics Mechanical Engineering
  Model-driven Software Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science
  Signal Processing Systems Electrical Engineering
  Interconnected Resource-aware Intelligent Systems 

Mathematics and Computer Science

  Electronic Systems  Electrical Engineering
Vehicle Dynamics Control Dynamics & Control  Mechanical Engineering

Automotive Human Factors

Future Everyday (FE)

Industrial Design

  Human Technology Interaction Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Sustainable Mobility

Specialization Section Department
Internal Combustion Engines and Future Fuels Control Systems Technology Mechanical Engineering
  Power & Flow  Mechanical Engineering
Electric & Hybrid Vehicles and Transmissions Control Systems Electrical Engineering
  Control Systems Technology Mechanical Engineering
  Dynamics & Control  Mechanical Engineering
  Electromechanics and Power Electronics Electrical Engineering