Elective courses

Overview Curriculum EE 2024-2025

An overview of the elective courses within the master program Electrical Engineering in the academic year of 2024-2025 can be found here (page 2 & 3). 

Overview Curriculum EE 2023-2024

An overview of the elective courses within the master program Electrical Engineering in the academic year of 2023-2024 can be found here (page 2 & 3). 

Elective courses

Elective courses are all master courses from Electrical Engineering, master courses from all other TU/e study programs and from programs from other universities. 

It is possible, but not preferred, to include a maximum of 15 credits of bachelor courses at level 3. Use this option for homologation purposes only.  

Core courses and specialization courses are also valid elective courses.  

Language courses (Dutch and English) are permitted at C level but no more than a total of 5 credits.  

In case of doubt, the Examination Committee EE decides if a course is admissible as an elective.  

A student needs an advice of his/her mentor on the whole program of examinations.

Excluded master electives

The following courses do not count as master electives: 

Code Course name Reason
5LIU0 Premaster linear systems, signals & control Premaster course
5LIS0 Computer architecture and c programming Premaster course
5LFK0 Circuit analysis Premaster course
5LIQ0 Linear systems, signals and control Premaster course
5LIR0 Linear systems, signals and control DBL Premaster course
5SC26 Systems & control integration project Only for students Systems & Control
5LEF0 System integration project Only for students Sustainable Energy Technology
2AMM40 Advanced topics in artificial intelligence Overlapping content
DBM190 Designing with and for digital twins Overlapping content
4WM10 Career development Overlap with compulsary course Career development (5CKG0)
8GM00 Career development BMT Overlap with compulsary course Career development (5CKG0)
3MC010 Career development Overlap with compulsary course Career development (5CKG0)

Overlapping master electives

The courses on the left in the table below overlap with the courses on the right. Therefore, these courses cannot be chosen both.

Code Course name Code Course name                                              
5CCA0 Semiconductor physics and materials 5XPB0 Nano devices and integration
5CPA0 Numerical methods in electrical engineering 7KT8M0 Finite element method, non-linear