Curriculum mastertrack AIES - ME

PLEASE NOTE: the special master track AIES-ME is being phased out and ceases to exist on the 1st of September 2025.  It is no longer possible to enroll in this track. Students who are already enrolled, can finish their approved program until September 1st, 2025.

More info about the new interdepartmental AI&ES master can be found here


Your program has a total duration of two years. Each year accounts for 60 EC. The complete mastertrack has a study load of 120 EC.

Program structure 2021-2022

Program structure:
Core 30 EC  
Specialization 10 EC  
Professional skills 10 EC  
Free electives 10 EC  
Internship 15 EC  
Graduation project 45 EC  

The mastertrack is concluded with a final graduation project (45 EC), in which you demonstrate your ability to carry out a research or design project independent

More information

Want to know more? Contact ir. Rob van der Heijden at 040 - 247 3283 or via the contact form below.
