Why can’t I submit a proposal for approval?

There could be several causes, the most common are:

  1. Your plan is the draft plan. Is the background of you plan green? In that case you are working in your draft plan, instead of your default plan, and you cannot submit a proposal of your draft plan. You have two options:
    1. go to your default plan, make the changes there and submit your proposal or
    2. make the draft plan your default plan, you can do so via the drop-down menu Draft by selecting Overwrite plan.
  2. Because you haven’t obtained 90 ECTS of your curriculum yet.
  3. Because you haven’t planned at least 180 ECTS yet. Please note that if you have a past course in your planning which you didn’t complete, it does count towards the total amount of ECTS, however, you do need to plan this course now or in the future again. Otherwise, the PlanApp could give an error that you haven’t planned 180 ECTS yet.