Coaching first year students

Coaching first year students - Q1

  • Meetings with your student mentor
    • Getting acquainted with student life, TU/e and SI;
    • Study management;
    • Choice of engineering specialization, information will be sent by email on forehand;
    • Choice of electives year 1, information will be sent by email on forehand (Q1.2 and Q1.4).
  • Plenary meeting
    • Week 1: Introduction
  • Canvas information and communication (course code 0i0011)
  • E-counter in case you have (general) coaching questions or want to talk to a teacher coach, please send an e-mail to
  • Consult a teacher coach (via e-counter). It is always possible to talk to a teacher coach in case you have more specific questions. In September you will be referred to one of the available coaches. In October you will be assigned to the teacher coach of your chosen engineering specialization: Robotics: Raymond Cuijpers, ICT: Martijn Willemsen, Living: Antal Haans.
  • Deadlines and professional skills: see Canvas 0i0011
    • Selection of electives in Planapp:
    • Registration "Choices year 1" in PlanApp
    • Enroll for courses Q2
    • PRV reflection - part 1, more information on CANVAS 0i0011


Coaching first year students - Q2
In Q2, we continue with the weekly meetings with the student mentors. At the start of the quartile there will be a plenary information meeting. To help you in your choice for the engineering discipline, a speed date event with senior students is organized.

Discussion possibility with your teacher coach if necessary; please send an email to your teacher coach in case you have questions regarding your expectations, prospects, to help you to find the optimum match between your ambitions and your major and technical specialization.

  • Deadlines and professional skills: see Canvas 0i0011
    • registration for courses Q3 in OSIRIS student
    • assignment PRV planning and organizing, more infomormation on CANVAS 0I0011


Coaching first year students - Q3

At the start of the quartile there will be a plenary information meeting. Please make sure that you:

  • Explore electives, packages and USE learning trajectories on CANVAS 0I0011,  the BSc College website and on the online studyguides of PT.
  • Prepare for Check your Match 
  • Deadline:
    • registration courses Q4 in OSIRIS student: See Canvas 0i0011


Coaching first year students - Q4

At the start of the quartile there will be a plenary information meeting.

Coaching in Q4 focusses on the electives in year 2 and 3 of the BSc program, the USE learning lines, and planning your program, courses and other activities. 

  • Study the information materials abount electies, coherent packages and USE learning lines on CANVAS 0I001.
  • Check the PlanAppBC website and PT website
  • Meeting with student mentor and/or teacher coach to discuss choices, and reflection form 2
  • Question hour with academic advisor/ program coordinator for more in depth or specific questions about your choices.
  • Deadlines and professional skills: see Canvas 0i0011
    • Submit electives/elective packages and USE learning line (PlanApp and Reflection form)
    • Registration for courses Q1 next year in OSIRIS student: to be announced in august
    • Impulse carreer day
    • PRV reflection part 2, more information on CANVAS 0I0011

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