Graduation project

The MSc. Education program `Construction Management & Engineering (CME) at TU/e is a joint international Master-program of the three Dutch Universities of Technology. At TU/e the graduation specialization of CME is focused on the management and implementation of information processes with an emphasis on smart cities and smart buildings. The final graduation project has a clear scientific signature, and is grounded in societal challenges such as climate change, energy transition, circular economy, digital twinning, etc. CME graduation projects are often executed in collaboration with industry partners, engineering offices or government institutes. TU/e CME borrows from two scientific domains: (i) urban/building science and systems and (ii) management and innovation sciences. 

Graduation options

The graduation project is executed on the intersection of the two aforementioned scientific domains. Students can choose from a list of subjects that are strongly related to on-going projects in the TU/e departments Built Environment (BE), and Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (IE&IS). In the CME program, the following topics are offered:

  • City Information Management (CIM)
  • Building Information Management (BIM)

Graduation consists of two parts: (1) Research proposal and (2) Graduation project. A student can only start his/her Graduation project after the Research proposal has been approved by the chair of the graduation committee.

Each graduation project will be guided by a group of specialized (assistant and associate) professors, preferably from both TU/e departments BE and IE&IS. The students work individually, while their projects concur with research themes related to research and development activities of the involved staff and PhD’s.

More information is available in the 4TU CME Graduation Guide in the Downloads section.

More information

Want to know more? Contact the Education Coordinator BE via the contact form below.
