International Experience

For students who have no (or not sufficient) international experience, it is recommended that at least 15 credits of their Master’s program has an international dimension. The international experience could be obtained by taking courses at a foreign institute (preferably Q5 and Q6), doing an internship abroad (preferably Q5 and/or Q6), or working for part of the Final Project abroad (in Q7 and Q8), or combine such activities. However, the individual planning might deviate from this preferential scheduling. This means that students may go abroad anytime.

This will give the students the possibility to:

- Get experience in working outside the home-university, learning about how international organizations work;

- Interact with and understanding different cultures, languages, habits;

- Start an international network including young, and highly educated colleagues abroad.


In view of the European and global economic context, it is important that IAM students have international experience at graduation. Combined with a solid mathematical background, this is an essential step in building up excellent career prospects. Therefore for students who have no (or not sufficient) international experience, it is highly recommended that at least 15 ECTS of their Master’s program has an international dimension. The international experience is gathered by taking courses at a foreign institute (preferably Q5 and Q6), doing an internship abroad (preferably Q6), or working for part of the Final Project abroad (in Q7 and Q8), or combine such activities. However, the individual planning might deviate from this preferential scheduling. This means that students may go abroad anytime, and take courses at the TU/e in Q6 as well.

This will give the students the possibility to:

- Get experience in working outside the home-university, learning about how international organizations work;

- Interact with and understanding different cultures, languages, habits; 

- Start an international network including young, and highly educated colleagues abroad.

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