Project 2: Design Research

DPM120 Project 2 Design Research is the second project in the master’s program of the Department of Industrial Design. You individually work on a design research task in the to context of a squad connected to your chosen graduation mentor. The ambition of this project is to learn to do design research and generate knowledge for a specific research community (e.g., CHI, TEI or DIS). You learn more about different research methodologies and activities in design research, and (learn to) apply the ones that best match your interest and contexts. You put in practice your attitude, knowledge and skills you have developed during the core course Constructive Design Research.
Within the design research project, you individually manage your design research process and analyse a research problem or challenge. You choose appropriate methods and tools to define your design research problem and fulfill the given task. The design research project is executed in the squad.
Please use Osiris to register for this project, using the following code:
- DPM120 Project 2: Design Research
You can register for the project code in Osiris from the project market onwards. You will be allocated to the squad of your mentor. In case you have not found a mentor before the deadline of the Preliminary Study Program form, you will be allocated to a mentor (and squad). The deadlines for the project registration can be found in the Year Planning on the Forms and files page.
The project is executed in the contexts of the squad of your graduation mentor or an appointed mentor and squad. Within the squads, research and design go together in developing innovative systems, products and/or services. The application domains are derived from the research topics that are covered in the research groups of the department of Industrial Design. In each squad, staff members are gathered with specific expertise; each squad therefore covers a specific set of expertise areas.
The graduation mentor will support you during your project. You are encouraged to involve other experts, clients and stakeholders. In addition to the supervision by the graduation mentor, the squad can also organize group teaching activities; e.g. co-coaching, (peer) feedback on presentations and demonstrations, workshops and lectures, etc..
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Assessment Process
Master Project 2: Design will be concluded with a competence assessment. The assessment evaluates your overall competence of designing as demonstrated in the quality of the deliverables, your design process and the development of your professional skills; as is also described in the competence assessment rubrics for Master Project 2. You can find the Rubrics on the Forms and files page.
- Demonstrator (as presented on the Demo Day)
- Design Research Report (maximum 5000 words, excluding figures, references, appendices, suggested font size 12)
- Reflection (maximum 1000 words, may include images)
During the design research project, you will develop demo’s or research prototypes for their specific purpose and roles in the acquisition of knowledge or the creation of value within the design research process. You demonstrate your demo’s and/or research prototypes and their purpose on the Demo Day. The Demo Day is a formative assessment moment, wherein you receive feedback from your examiner(s) and is part of your competence assessment.
Report (Individual)
At the end of the project you will deliver a written report of your design research insights and activities. Within your report, you individually draw a clear and professional picture of the design research challenge. You provide a clear description of different perspectives and potential approaches. You argue the choices made and use references to external sources correctly. In addition to the pages for the main research contribution, you can add appendices to provide relevant evidence for the assessment. You are advised but not obliged to use the SIGCHI Conference Proceedings Format.
Proposed structure and content:
- Abstract: (150 max)
- Introduction: including goal/related work/background information.
- Method: including approach.
- Design: including description of research prototype.
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements (optional)
- References: use the ACM reference style.
- Appendices (advised: more detailed descriptions of aspects needed as evidence for assessment: e.g., process visualisations, technical descriptions of prototype or software, extended statistics, user evaluation protocols, design argumentations)
Reflection (Individual)
As an addendum to the research report, you write a structured and clear individual reflection on the integration of the expertise areas within the project, the development of professional skills and your overall competence as a designer. In the reflection, you relate your choices within the project to your professional identity and vision. The reflection may not exceed the maximum of 1000 words.
You will be assessed by two examiners. One of the examiners is your mentor. Both examiners will acquaint themselves with the submitted report/paper. One of your examiners will visit you during the demo day.
Assessment Criteria
Half of the assessment is based on Overall Competence of Designing and Scientific and Professional Skills; the other half is based on Professional Identity and Vision and Competence Development.
Individual aspects: based on project work, presentation on demo day, design research report, reflection and presentation/oral exam
- Overall Competence of Designing
- Integration of Expertise Areas (in the Final Master Project)
- Design and Research Processes
- Demonstrator
- Scientific and Professional Skills
- Presenting
- Reporting and Dealing with Scientific Information
- Organizing and Planning
- Reflecting
- Cooperating
- Professional Identity and Vision
- Professional Identity
- Vision
- Competence Development
- Integration of Expertise Areas (in the Competence Profile of the student)
You can score insufficient in some criteria, as long as the overall topic is scored at least sufficient. Based upon the assessment the project can result in the following outcomes:
- In case all criteria are met, you will receive a P or E verdict.
- In case the topic Overall Competence of Designing (OCD) is not met, you will receive a H verdict.
- In case the topic Scientific and Professional Skills is not met, you will receive a C verdict and have the opportunity to do a retake; you need to redo/update the report, demo or reflection.
- In case the topic Professional Identity and Vision (PIV) is not met, you will receive a H verdict.
- In case the topic Competence Development is not met, you will receive a H verdict.
- No show/no deliverable(s): NV.
The examiners can provide feedback via the rubrics on Canvas. In case not all criteria are met, a comment with an explanation can be added on Canvas.
You will receive a verdict as a result for the Master Project 2: Design Research (20 ECTS). The verdict as recorded in Osiris is binding.
- Promotion with excellence (E): the student is promoted with excellence and receives the assigned credits;
- Promotion (P): the student is promoted and receives the assigned credits;
- Conditional Hold (C): the student is not promoted unless conditions are sufficiently met within a maximum of three weeks (after the verdict is recorded in Osiris) - some topics are assessed as insufficient; or
- Hold (H): the student is not promoted and does not receive the assigned credits.
In case of a retake the student has to (based on the feedback of the examiners) redo one of the deliverables below:
- Improve the demonstrator
- Improve the report
- Improve the reflection
You will deliver your retake on Canvas in a separate assignment. The maximum deadline for the retake is three weeks after the original verdict is recorded in Osiris (≠ the publication date of the feedback/Rubrics on Canvas).