Application letter and CV

Instruction content and format Application letter and CV

In this letter you motivate why you want to apply for a position in the Honors Academy and you show what makes you a motivated candidate for the Honors Bachelor Program. You can show this in anyway you think it will support your application.

Hand in your application letter and your CV (2 page maximum) to the Track of your choice. Please note that you can only apply to one track.

  • Format: one pdf file consist of application letter and CV
  • Name of pdf: [Name - Surname - ID number]
  • In your application letter you also need to include some factual, practical information:
    • your name
    • the major you are doing
    • the name of the track that you want apply for
    • your telephone number (e.g. in case your interview needs to be rescheduled)
    • TU/e email adress
  • Make it personal. Address to your track coordinator and compose a letter that is truly representative of yourself and your motivations for applying to your chosen track, and that reflects your unique experiences, aspirations, and personal journey.

  • Upload your pdf document to the link of your track below.

In this application letter you explain why you pursue a career at the Honors Academy and provide evidence of what makes you a suitable candidate. You also need to underpin why you have chosen a particular track, what you want to accomplish and what you bring in. Finally, you need to include your initial ideas about the kind of topic or theme you would like to explore and address in your project, and what kind of activities you would like to do in or next to your project.

Upload folder per track


Upload folder Application document

Deadline: 12-05-2024, 23:59 hr

Artificial Intelligence Link to folder
Competitive programming and problem solving Link to folder
Empowerment for Health and Wellbeing Link to folder
Energy Transition Link to folder
High Tech Systems Link to folder
Networked Society Link to folder
Nuclear Fusion Power for the Netherlands Link to folder
Radio Astronomy Link to folder
SensUs Organization Link to folder
Smart Cities Link to folder
Smart Mobility Link to folder

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