Information session - general and per track

General information session

The general information session* for academic year 2025-2026 will take place on:

Date: Time: Location:

March 17, 2025

*You don't have to register for the information session.

12:35 - 13:25 hrs tba

After the information session, you will find the slides of the presentation below in the 'Downloads'.

Information session per track

The track information sessions will take place between March 18 - 28, 2025. Check this table for date and location of the track sessions.

Track Date


Artificial Intelligence

tba tba

Competitive programming and problem solving


General info 13:30-14:00, afterwards starts programming contest (sign up via


Empowerment for Health & Wellbeing

tba tba
Energy Transition tba tba
High Tech Systems tba tba


Networked Society tba tba
Nuclear Fusion Power for the Netherlands tba tba
Radio Astronomy tba tba

SensUs Organization

tba tba
Smart Cities tba tba
Smart Mobility March 20, 12:30-13:30hrs Matrix 1.345 

Honors Prospective Students Event

Do you still have any questions on the Honors program or its study association, Confluente? Then this event is for you! During this event, there will be a drink in the Honors Room, during which current Honors students are available for you to discuss all your questions on the Honors tracks, admission and the study association while enjoying a nice drink together. You can also already get to know some of the students you may be working together with during the upcoming year! Note: all 11 tracks will be present.

Sign up for this event via this link: Honors Prospective Students Event Tickets, Eventbrite.

For any questions about the event, feel free to contact, or just walk into the Honors Room, which is located on the ground floor of Metaforum, in between the stairs and the Common Room.

Check our social media channels for more information: 

  • LinkedIn: TU/e Honors Academy 
  • Instagram: hsaconfluente or tue_honorsacademy
Date: Time: Location:
tba 19:00 – 21:00 hrs Honors room (MetaForum 0.094)

Check Your Match event

Those who have applied for one of the tracks, have the opportunity to speak to Honors office members and / or honors students about their application or content of the program. Important: not all tracks are represented. Next to that, you learn more about the Honors Master Program in case you are interested after your Bachelor graduation / starting a TU/e Master program.

Date: Time: Location:
tba 12.30 – 13.30 hrs Hall Atlas
Speel video