2. AI-assisted innovation in portable plasma technology - 4CBLW00-02

2. AI-assisted innovation in portable plasma technology

Offered by

AP and IE&IS

Available in timeslot


Target student major

All majors

Preferred entrance knowledge / skills


Student capacity


Group size


Contact person

Job Beckers, j.beckers@tue.nl 

Project description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a powerful transformative tool that has the potential to revolutionize innovation across industries. AI-driven innovation can lead to new creative products and ideas as well as improvements on existing products and technologies.  One technology where there are possibilities for great innovation, is the field of atmospheric pressure plasma. Miniaturization of electrical power supplies and plasma source geometries over the last years, enable the possibility to develop new portable plasma devices in the fields of air-depollution, medicine, material science, sensing, agriculture and potentially many more. In this challenge students will investigate how to develop an innovative portable plasma device with an application of their choice and explore the impact and economic potential. With this application in mind, students will define a design idea for a portable plasma device, investigate the impact this device can have on the world around them and assess their innovation with regards to the position in the innovation chain, economic feasibility and business model. In the following weeks they conceptualize their design idea.  In each step of the process, they will use generative AI as an innovation partner and reflect on the functionality and added value of AI in the innovation process. For this inquiry students may create their own portable plasma device for which equipment and/or plasma modelling software are available.