
Composing your ES program

Composing your ES Program means making a series of choices. You do not have to compose your full program at the start. You should submit your individual Program of Examinations (PoE) to the examinations committee for approval when you have completed approximately 45 credits. The Study & Career Orientation Program (SCOP/e) can help you in making these choices and will facilitate submitting your PoE. Included in this program is the appointment of an academic mentor who can support you in composing your program.

You need to register for your courses via Osiris.

The four streams from which you can choose are:

The purpose of the streams is, on the one hand, to provide guidance to students in composing coherent individual study programs, and on the other hand, to preserve the multidisciplinary nature of each individual Embedded Systems study program.


The 120 credits in the ES program are divided over the following components


Stream mandatory courses (15 credits)