Professional Skills

There are two mandatory courses on professional skills: Coaching & Tutoring (4WM00) and Career Development (4WM10). These courses are designed for Mechanical Engineering students specifically. Both courses are 2.5 EC.

4WM10 - Career Development (2.5 EC)

In this course it's all about you and your (future) career. How do you present yourself, do you know your strengths/weaknesses, how can you improve your CV and networking skills? What do companies/recruiters look for in a candidate? This course offers you lots of opportunities but also asks for a proactive attitude; it's up to you what you gain from it! We recommend you to take this course at a stage in your program where you're seriously thinking about your career.

4WM00 - Coaching & Tutoring (2.5 EC)

In the Coaching & Tutoring course you act as a tutor for two groups of bachelor students working on a project. You monitor the group process, individual contributions of each group member and give coaching in case of problems.

Make sure that you are available for the tutor training; it's mandatory! It takes place in the week before the start of the quarter. Check Osiris/Canvas for details.

  • IMPORTANT: entry requirement and substitute course

Note that there’s an entry requirement for 4WM00 (Coaching and Tutoring); students need to have experience with CBL (Challenge-Based Learning, OGO in Dutch). This is offered only in the Bachelor programs of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering  at TU/e. Students who do not meet this requirement (all students with a different bachelor degree) need to follow the substitute course 4WM50, Groupwork and Academic Writing. This course is 2.5 EC. In 4WM50 you work on a group project. Special attention is given to team work skills, peer feedback and academic writing.