When you have almost finished your Bachelor’s program, there are a couple of steps you need to take to be able to graduate.
Step-by-step graduation procedure
| Who? | What? |
1. | Student | Check your study progress overview (‘studievoortgangsoverzicht’) in your Osiris student file:
Does your study program match with your approved planning? If not, have your planning (re)approved by sending it in via the PlanApp (under ‘options’).
Have you received the credits for the Studium Generale activities (SG100) and (only for cohort 2020 and later) MyFuture activities (SMFA00)? If not, make sure you finish the activities.
2. | Student | Submit a diploma request to the Examination Committee via Osiris if you have nearly completed your bachelor. Submitting a diploma request can be done from the moment you have completed 150 EC.
3. | Examination Committee | Once you have obtained all the required credits in your study program, the Examination Committee ME will assess whether you can graduate. You can find the meeting dates of the Examination Committee ME on this page. The meeting date on which your graduation will be assessed depends on the moment you have completed all components of your study program.
4. | Examination Committee | After the meeting of the Examination Committee you will receive an e-mail with their decision.
5. | CSA ME | You can take part in the graduation ceremony in September or choose to pick up your diploma at the Student Administration office (CSA ME). You will receive an e-mail once your diploma is ready to be picked up.
If you need proof of your diploma before the graduation ceremony or if you need a statement that you have nearly graduated, you can request this statement by sending and email to ME.CSA.ME@. You can also download an extract of your diploma 3 working days after the decision of the Examination Committee is visible in Osiris via tue.nlDUO.
Transfer to the Master's program
If you would like to start the Mechanical Engineering Master’s program after finishing your bachelor’s degree, do not forget to take part in the Master Allocation Procedure (MAP) in Q4 before you start the Master’s program. If you have not taken part in the MAP, but want to start with the Mechanical Engineering Master’s program, contact the Academic Advisor of the Master’s program about your allocation.
With a Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s degree, you have direct access to the following Master’s programs at the TU/e:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Systems and Control
- Automotive Technology
- Sustainable Energy Technology
- Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion
Make sure you take the following steps when transferring to a TU/e Master’s program:
- Enroll for the Master’s program. More information about enrollment into a TU/e Master’s program after completing your Bachelor’s program can be found here.
- Register for master's courses before the registration deadline. Once your enrollment in the Master’s program is finalized, you can register for the exams separately.
- Make an appointment with your mentor to discuss your program.
- If you are transferring to the ME, S&C, AT, or SET program, check the to-do list on the education guide page of the program.
Terminating your enrollment
If you do not wish to start a TU/e Master's program after completing your Bachelor’s program, please make sure to submit your request to terminate your enrollment in time. More information about terminating your enrollment can be found here. More information about your student travel product, student grants, the notebook regulation, and your TU/e account when you terminate your enrollment, can be found here.